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2016-11-17 November
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
November 17, 2016
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:10PM present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barett, Roger Rapoza, Drew Funk  and Pam Haman.

Minutes for the October 12, 2016 meeting were approved.   Roger and Pam let the Commissioners know that both the agenda and minutes are posted on line on the Town website.

Bills for the month were approved.  Some concern regarding past due balances most of the time issues are resolved once bills and payments get caught up due to lag time because of when meetings are held bills actually are processed.

Thank you letter to the Playground Director was approved and signed.  Roger also let then Commissioners know that some of the equipment needs to be replaced (damaged pieces have been roped off).  Benches also need to be replaced as well. A smaller play area might be better.
There are still problems with the billing for Dave’s Septic.  The Town Accountant and Roger reviewed the information and it appears the town does not owe anything.  Pam suggesting waiting to see if another bill is received after the fall rental is paid.
Memorial Common Veterans Memorial will be tabled for another meeting.
Flag poles:  Jim Kreidler gave detailed instructions on how the flags should be put on the poles and taken down.  These instructions make the installation less safe.  The way the department had it worked out with the Fire Dept was actually safer.  The flag Committee and Town Administrator need to schedule a meeting to figure out a safe feasible way to do the flags.

Superintendents Report:
The Capitol Planning Committee is requesting projects/equipment form to them by 12/1/16.  Roger will submit the request for a new 4 wheel drive 1 ton truck.  John Barrett made a motion “Approve the request to capital planning for a 4 wheel drive 1 ton truck with plow.”  Ray second all were in favor motion carried.
Roger would like to go ahead with the purchase of the dump trailer.  The funds would be taken from various department accounts.
The white truck needs approximately $3500.00 worth of work to make it useable/drivable.  The truck is the one that department got from the Highway Department and it is really not worth fixing.   Roger stated that he will work with the Highway Department regarding winter operations.  The kids will do shoveling on days when there is no school.  Adams, Time and Drew will work with the highway and their equipment.  Mark will need to do the snow blowing at the town buildings.
Budget will be due in January.  Department is waiting for instructions.
Next meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2016 at 6PM.  The annual Christmas Party..

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM.


Pam Haman